Manufacturer of high pressure Aluminum and Zinc die cast components

Die Casting
High pressure die cast. Familiar with grades of aluminum A380, 383, 413, 360, and 390. 22 machines with tonnages from 400 ton to 1300 ton. Costumers in Automotive, Refrigeration, and Valves. Automated work cells. Shot monitored machines.

Die Casting
High pressure die cast. Familiar with grade of zinc Alloy 3, Alloy 5, ZA-8, and ZA-27. 19 machines with tonnages from 100 ton to 850 ton. Customers in Consumer Products, HVAC, and Pump & Valve.

Miniature Zinc
Die Casting
High pressure, high speed mini die cast. 4 slide machines. Familiar with grade of zinc Alloy 3, Alloy 5, ZA-8, and ZA-27. 14 machines with sizes from 2x2, 4x4, 6x6, 7x11 and tonnages up to 20 ton. Consumers in Automotive, Consumer Products, Construction, and Electronics.

CNC capable with 5 CNC mills and 4 CNC lathes. Conventional machining offer value add services in Hanger Blast, Thermal De-burr, Tumble Blast, Vibratory Clean, and Washing. We provide inspections and special packaging to meet the customer’s needs.